This is another quick note to let any regular visitors no that this site has not become a forgetten corner of the internet. My University degree is nearing completion and I'm sure you can appreciate these are hectic times, which is why I'm all the more looking forward to continuing this blog as spring and summer unfold.
I'd also like to thank anyone who might be a regular visitor and everyone who's left nice and inspiring comments so far. I'll try to continue searching for interesting tales of the hills to bring you and am really yet to even touch upon the village of Eastnor itself.
I'd also like to point out an error on the 'Names & Heights...' diagram; Pinacle Hill is clearly taller than its neighbours, reaching 357 metres not 257 as shown.
Until further update here is a photoshop from a photo taken looking toward the Worcestershire Beacon from Broad Down, adjacent to the British Camp.
Welcome to the vale...
Moelbryn is the ancient celtic name for the Malvern Hills, a dramatic ridge of volcanic rock that spans the counties of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire and dominates the surrounding countryside. Towards the south of the Malverns lies the Eastnor Vale, a picturesque valley amongst the woods and ridges of which lies the village of Eastnor.
This weblog focuses on the stories, folklore and history of the area - the hills, buildings, woods and ruins, tales of faerie folk, witches, druids and giants.
Please leave a comment if you have found this blog useful or have enjoyed reading.
Peace x
This weblog focuses on the stories, folklore and history of the area - the hills, buildings, woods and ruins, tales of faerie folk, witches, druids and giants.
Please leave a comment if you have found this blog useful or have enjoyed reading.
Peace x
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