Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Copyright Notice

The writing contained within this web log is my own work. I have made every effort not to infringe upon copyright laws and have attempted to take source information from references without plagiarising them.

If you hold the copyright for any of the source materials that I have referenced and feel I have infringed upon your copyright please, do not hesitate to inform me and the offending material shall be removed swiftly and without question.

Please ask permission before using any of the images or text from this site for your own purposes. I'm happy to give permission to people to use my work but like to know where and how it is being used and appreciate a credit and return link to this site.

Contact or leave your comments here.

Many thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to thank you for a very nice website. I found it very helpful. I've lately become interested in the works of Jon Michelle which deals with this White Oak Tree and your site made things much clearer to me.

    As a return gift, I will share something with you. You mentioned the geometry of the area ley lines. I figured out that the angle between Glastonbury and Midsummer hill is the same as if you square the circle and draw a point from the corner of the square (Midsummer Hill) and the intersection of the circle and square (Glastonbury Tor). This angle is 13.42 degrees bearing from true North.
